Happy Birthday Yard Signs!

Would you like to book the perfect personalized Happy Birthday Yard Sign for someone special?

If the answer is YES, book now! We would love to design and deliver you an amazing personalized birthday yard card.

Our customizable birthday yard card rentals book up quickly! Please reserve your date so we can set aside the signs and graphics you want before it's too late! We have a wide range of graphics to fit your special someone's sports, hobbies, likes, interests, and more.

Happy Birthday Yard Signs

Birthday Yard Sign Ideas

Here are a few example birthday yard signs to provide inspiration and ideas for your perfect birthday yard greeting.


How much does it cost and what’s included in the price?

To see yard sign costs for check out our Booking Page. A basic booking consists of the Celebration Phrase (i.e. Happy Birthday!), Name, Age, and Themed Graphics of your choice.

Can I place a special order?

Yes! Send an email to info@yardcharms.net and our team will be in touch.

Can I surprise my neighbor/relative/friend?

Of course, yes! You can place an order for anyone!

Do I need to be there for the setup?

Nope, we do it all! A member of Yard Charms will let you know what time they will set up and take down your sign.

What about the weather? 

Our signs are completely weatherproof.  If there is an instance of severe weather (i.e. strong winds) that prevents the signs from being set up, we will provide a full refund or reschedule.

How do I pay? 

Once you have filled out a booking request, a member of Yard Charms will verify the details with you and then send you an invoice via email. Payment of the invoice will secure your booking.


If you would like to view ideas for custom greetings, please click here.

If you don’t see your location on the Yard Charm site, no worries, we proudly serve the Southwest Houston Areas! Please email your inquiry to info@yardcharms.net.